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澳门葡京博彩软件有悠久的传统,为学生提供丰富的文化和严谨的海外学术课程. 自1925年以来, when the first Smith Junior Year Abroad program opened in Paris, Smith students have been developing valuable intercultural competencies, including language and cross-cultural skills, that are important for successful professional careers in every field of work. 现在, 近40%的三年级学生在非洲参加澳门葡京博彩软件认可的学分项目, 亚洲, 中东, 拉丁美洲, 大洋洲和欧洲.


It is our goal to support Smith students in remarkable academic experiences abroad. If you have any questions or concerns about study abroad options and plans, please 澳门葡京博彩软件.

Required Parent Forms



Waivers for travel to Russia can be requested in electronic format. Please email Lisa Johnson at

Frequently Asked Questions


在一般情况下, each program or university has comprehensive information online. 询问你的学生他们将参加哪个项目或大学,并访问项目的网站. 经常 there are special sections for parents.

国际学习办公室的资源室也有打印的材料,你的学生可以寄给你. 然而, 印刷材料往往有更多的营销重点与信息概述. 在一般情况下, 该项目或大学网站将包含有关学术的更详细信息, 住房, 日历, and important application deadlines.

Smith students must meet the Smith eligibility requirements in order to be approved to study abroad and receive credit. At the discretion of each academic department, credit earned abroad can be used towards major and minor requirements.

To find out if specific courses abroad will satisfy major or minor requirements, 学生必须在提交留学学分申请前咨询相应的部门顾问.

学生通常可以通过一个学期将海外学习项目纳入他们四年的大学学习, 年或夏季. This may be harder to do in some majors than in others, 为了满足学位和专业要求以及留学项目的先决条件,它需要仔细规划. 许多出国留学项目接受大二、大三或大四的学生.

与国际学习办公室的早期咨询可以帮助学生在规划她的大学岁月时考虑所有的选择. We are here to help with early planning!

课程, 在国外学习期间获得的学分和成绩将作为转学分出现在澳门葡京博彩软件成绩单上. This information will include the name of the program or university, followed by a full listing of the course titles, the credits and the grades.

Grades earned for courses taken abroad will not be included in the Smith GPA, although the letter grade will be printed on the transcript.

The only exceptions to this policy are the courses, credits and grades earned on the Smith programs in Geneva, 汉堡, 巴黎和佛罗伦萨. 对于这些程序, 课程和学分将作为澳门葡京博彩软件课程出现在澳门葡京博彩软件成绩单上,成绩将计入澳门葡京博彩软件GPA.

This is a personal decision, 但我们建议在你女儿离家之前,你们讨论一下最好的沟通方式(电子邮件), 电话, Skype, FaceTime) and how often you both want to communicate.

Many families find that regular weekly or biweekly email communication works well. 约定一周中固定的一天与你交流,可以帮助你了解女儿的最新活动,而不会影响她探索新环境和结识周围人的需要.

当你需要一起讨论一些重要的事情来做出决定时,在线视频聊天或在线电话交谈会很有帮助, 虽然过度使用会导致你的女儿变得更加依赖你,而不是更加独立. 记住,仅仅因为你可以每天和你的女儿交流并不意味着这种交流就能真正帮助她进入新的环境,这是有帮助的. 事实上, 有时过多的与家人交流会导致相反的结果:学生花太多的时间在电脑上,而没有足够的时间探索她的新环境和关注新的熟人. 这可能会导致孤独感的增加和经历的减少,反过来又会导致她对留学地点的感觉严重下降.

在美国,一些家庭习惯于使用手机进行频繁和快速的通信. 请记住,这取决于你女儿要去的国家和地区, cell phone communication may be readily available, 但是,昂贵的, so cell phones are best used locally while in-country. There is also a chance cell phone connectivity may be spotty or unavailable.

Make sure before your daughter leaves that you have the following:

  • The email address she will be using while she is away.
  • A phone number where she can be reached (homestay family, dorm room or cell phone). If this information isn’t available before your daugther departs, 或者她将在到达东道国后购买手机或新的SIM卡, have an agreement about when she is going to give you that 电话 number.
  • 赞助项目的街道地址(包括街道号码或建筑物的名称/号码)或您女儿将居住的地点,以便您可以在必要时通过航空邮件给她寄包裹.
  • 确保您有海外项目管理员的电话/传真/电子邮件信息,以备紧急情况.
  • 紧急情况下, you may also contact the Smith Campus Police, who can reach the dean for international study outside of regular office hours. 看到 Smith Emergency Contact page for travel emergencies.

记住,你的女儿最初可能会向你报告,她对项目的某些方面不满意,或者她很沮丧. We suggest that you exercise a degree of patience, as many of these issues sort themselves out in the first few weeks. 经常, students call home in distress because of one issue or another, 比如住房, the quality of the courses or location of the program, which can lead to a discussion about changing 住房, sending more money or even dropping out of the program and returning home. While there can be real emergencies, most of the issues are the result "cultural adjustment," which is normal and should be overcome in a relatively short time. 您可以鼓励您的女儿在现场与项目工作人员交谈,如果问题似乎持续超过合理的时间,请联系澳门葡京博彩软件的国际研究办公室.

我们鼓励您咨询节目日期,并在节目结束后计划您的旅行. It is not typical for families to visit students overseas. If you can afford to make a visit, 最好是在项目结束后这样做,这样你的女儿就可以在她没有学业责任的时候带你参观她的新“家”.

Smith students are not allowed to leave a program early; just like at Smith, 每个学期或学年的结束都是她学术经历的重要高潮.

出国留学 Experiences

Contact Office for International Study

Lewis Global Studies Center



Northampton, MA 01063

电话: 413-585-7598 电子邮件:

为紧急情况, 拨打校园警察413-585-2490,并要求联系留学工作人员.